cabaran ten2 day!! -day 3

day three : 10 things you hate

orait day three...10 thing i hate...well this is a aprt of my weakness enjoy while u reading orait??

1. as i told u earlier..i am keep it away from me...the only animal that i can touch is cat mybe..the cute 1..with no sharp teeth and claws..hahaha..ade ke???

2.i hate when it is is the begining of darkness..bcoz the only thing i will imagine when darkness come..there will be no tomorrow left to me..[i magine that i will die in sleep] hahaha...

3.i hate human that spoiled,corny,horny..hahha.,,n ape2 jerk yg sewktu dgn maksod neyh [mnje.gedix.gatal,miang,suke merajok,hipokrit,] bg aku aku sorg jerk bole bukn org len..hahaha

4.i hate backstabber...dat y aku susah nk prcaye org..lg2 kwn sdrik...kdg2 org yg kite xsgke yg backstabbing cilake jerk nyahhh...dat y every problem yg aku ade..aku byk cter kt mak aku..n bapak aku...diowg laa parent diowg laa kwn..frenz cant be trusted..

5.errr...aku rase neyh bnde paling annoying n geram bile aku tgok..korg pon aku rase same jerkkk..errr...meyh aku tunjok pakai gmbar...lagi jelas pemndgn kot..hahaha

6. aku bnci dgr berite org buang bayi...FAQOP glerr...kalo jmpee laa manusie bodo toh...aku nk ckp... ko men xpk plak ank yg ko dpt dr kepuasn ko toh..da la buat dose brzina,,,ney lg tmbh dose besaq buang bebi..kalo ade btg..potong kasi anjing mkn..kalo ade lobang sumbat dgn ikn buntal...

8.aku bnci google chrome....walau pon dye antre browser trbaek n ntah laa lembap nk mampos...kalo wt blog...tulisan dye nk kaler2 pon xbole..lepas uh salu wt pangai "WINDOWS IS NOT RESPONDING" ase cm nk sepakkk laju2 jerkk...laz2 aku uninstall balik n now aku gne d latest mozilla 4.0 xsilap...

9. aku bnci bangon pagi...uwwaaaaa.....kalo dok umah pkol 5.30 mak aku da kejot suorh solat...mndi sume...alaahai....pas uh kdg2 dye xkasi tydoq aku kn aku tydo jerkk alekk..hik2...

10. laz but not least aku bnci bile sorg2..xde kwn...xde teman...xde parent kt samping aku diorg penting tnpe mereka...SUNYI jadi peneman...dan aku bnci toh..smpai kdg2 aku mnangis dgn SUNYI yg melande...

so dat all for day 3...sorie semlm aku x update..saje wt lmbt..biaq same ngan korg...hehhee..
perasan x no 7 xde???hahaha..aku da abes idea..hik2...k bai

xkn bace2 jerk awak..komen2 laa sket.. n thx for viewing this post ♥

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